Woman holding an ipad wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt that says Designerish in black letters

The Why Behind the Woman and How You Can Help Make A Difference

Death will do that to you. Make you rethink your life's choices. 

"What's the point of having all this knowledge if it's cooped up in my brain?" After all was said and done, I knew I had to take the opportunity to give back...to help shape the next generation of interior designers. 

It's so bizarre to me now...looking back on it all. I had a fantastic career, a business partnership people dream about. But my dad had just died. Have you ever dealt with the death of a parent...like the nitty gritty parts of it? If you haven't, you're lucky. I'm here to tell you it sucks. 

I found myself up late numerous nights contemplating life. Like seriously. It sounds cliche but it was real. I got bored and started scrolling indeed.com. 

Good idea? Bad idea? Maybe it's still too early to tell. 

All my scrolling took me to a job that intrigued me. It was for an Interior Design Instructor at a trade school for both high school students and adults.

"But I've never taught before. But I have all this knowledge. But I've trained people. But I'm not a teacher." You know how all the thoughts go. "I should. I shouldn't. I should. I shouldn't." 

I rolled the dice. I took my chances. 

In the end...they hired me. 

Fast forward three years later, after developing all new, current curriculum, I'm still teaching interior design. 

For a couple of years, I held contests within my classes to design a class T-shirt. Not only did the students love it, everyone love it. I constantly had people asking me where I got my shirt...people telling me they wanted one. I finally listened. 

Enter Designer Aesthetic. Interior design inspired merch focusing on trendy T-shirts, accessories and some home decor. Because...interior design! 

"But Suzanne, how can I make a difference? You mentioned something about that."

Oh yeah. Well, since I have added "interior design instructor" to my resume in addition to "interior designer" and "entrepreneur", I decided it was only appropriate to do my part to create a scholarship for future interior designers. The goal is to put aside a percentage of all sales from Designer Aesthetic to fund the scholarship. I haven't yet decided on the amount, and no I don't have all the logistics ironed out, but I'm hoping to have enough for at least $1000 by this time next year. 

So, that's how you can help. Simply buy making a purchase, you are helping to fund the education of a future interior designer. Feels good, right? 

Weather you are 'In Your Designer Era', gearing up for 'Install Day', or simply a 'Design Nerd', hopefully you find something that resonates with you as you Silently Rearrange that Room. You know you are...don't hide it. 


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